Monday, May 23, 2011

The Big Yellow Bear & All Things Yellow

The Big Yellow Bear
 Christie's in New York has set up a 20-ton bronze teddy-bear sculpture in front of the Seagram's Building on Park Avenue for what the auction house expects will sell for more than $10 million. So it got me thinking.........where else I can find a fix of yellow in the city and could this bear be setting a new fashion trends?

Bergdorf Goodman Window
Well if Bergdorf is featuring yellow in the window it must me fashionable.

Even Sasha my doggie friend is sporting yellow, notice his lovely yellow collar

And what would New York be without the yellow cab. There are over 12,000 of these babies in NYC.

You can even take one home with you.  There is no shortage of yellow cab tacky souvenirs....even snow globes.

For those of you who only ride in style here is a little number in the Ferrari showroom.

This ice cream vendor in Central Park uses yellow to draw your attention to these yummy treats.  I have to admit I've had a few of the OREO COOKIE ICE CREAM BAR myself and they are mighty fine.

Token "Yellow" flower shot

Street Bananas 4 for a dollar!  What a deal.

H&M Sundress...lots of yellow here.

Yellow Bikinis from H&M

And here is a "What Not To Wear" shot......Im just glad she wasn't wearing the H&M bikini.
Could she possibly have gotten her fashion inspiration from the "BYB"

And last but not least a little "Yellow" music

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

City Island, The Bronx, New York

Todays adventure takes us to City Island in the Bronx, New York.  Just 40 minutes on the #6 Train to Pelham Bay Park and another 15 minutes on the BX29 bus and you will find yourself on City Island.

Little did I know that the there was a movie called "City Island" which stars Andy Garcia.  The film is available on Netflix ,I recommend watching it, it gives a great feel for the island and many of the locations I visited today were featured in the film. 

Here is the trailer for the movie. Hilarious!! I watched it when I got home.

 Here is the location of the final scenes of the film. Im pretty sure this is the fat neighbours house!!!
Nice little community.

Thats Manhattan in the back ground if you look hard enough you can see the Empire State Building.  Who knew this little jem of an island was so close to the city.
There are many great seafood restaurants on the island. Here is one of them...Sammy's
I decide to treat myself to some yummy seafood since I made it all the way here to City Island. What's my favorite seafood you ask?  Well lobster of course, and what do you know they have a lunch special $20.95 for 1&1/4 lbs. Thats only $20.00 Canadian so how can you go wrong! In I go to Sammy's
 Here is a shot of Sammy's Fish Box from the street.
Here is the view from my table, not very crowded in here.

So along with the lobster comes this little mini snack....I should have brought 6 friends. I also got a beverage.....
A yummy glass of tomato juice, and if I wasn't full already from the light snack, a salad was also included.....
Now based on the fact that blue cheese dressing has about 80 calories per table spoon I guessing that there are at least 400 right here, a thats not counting the salad and croutons either. Now comes the main course........good thing, I was getting a bit hungry.

TaDa!!!! Lobster and MORE vegetables...where are all my friends??? Did you see how big that potato is?
Ice Cream was also included but I called uncle and said no more!  Now for a little walk about town to burn a few calories.

Here is a local resident.

 The street featured in the movie "City Island" and a few more neighbourhood shots....

Even the school has a nautical theme. 
 The main street . City Island Ave of course...

 There are so many unique houses on the island.  Some have been in the same family for generations.
9/11 Memorial Mural

Wow only $15.00 to wash and dry your own dog.  How much for a cat?

Island City Ave

 Of course my token flower shot......

.......And another
 A few local houses

But officer I didn't see the sign...really!

 Nice little shack

The Legion Hall...need I say more

Sam Pell House don't feel bad I had to GOOGLE him myself. 
During the latter half of the 19th century, Samuel Pell (ca. 1821 - 1894) was one of the leading oystermen living on City Island in the Town of Pelham. He owned an oyster boat and was called "Captain Pell". In about 1876 he built a spectacular Second Empire style house that still stands at 586 City Island Avenue. Today it is known as the Samuel Pell House. 

City Island Nautical Museum

Now thats a vine!  It must have been there for 200 years.

Here is the trunk of the that not crazy? Looks like something out of a horror movie.

A few dust champagne bottles. Ours never stick around long enough to gather dust.

Very interesting "Antique" store

Now here is a colorful character, a local perhaps? Note the stuffed boarder collie and the ear muffs,  maybe the dog barks too much.  Im not sure why but this picture makes me laugh. 

Thanks for sharing in my adventure...stay tuned for more!